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echoes from the nature

abstract art

You're the Masterpiece Gallerist of Your Life.

Every KaikuArt artwork is a unique echo of the surrounding nature.


"The inspiration comes from seeing the magic around us and living in the moment. I adore waves, the Canva of the sky, and the shades of the forest."


- Sanna, ​The founder of KaikuArt, Sanna Anttonen, self-taught artist from Finland

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KaikuArt's artist Sanna Anttonen conjures abstract echoes from nature in her art with alcohol ink and acrylic paints. Whether it's FREESIA works or coated art with crushed crystal, KaikuArt's art can be recognized by its modern look, fresh tone world and timeless shapes. Sometimes less is more, right?


The beautiful harshness of northern nature serves as a particularly great source of inspiration in art.  As a counterbalance to harshness and barrenness, nature offers delicate beauty, such as Cotton Skies and FREESIA flowers.


cotton sky dreams come true

"In my youth, I had one dream profession: designer. However, life took a different course, I didn't get into one of Finland's most prestigious art school during my first try. So I went into business as far away from art as possible. 


However, my free time was filled with hands-on work with different materials - for example, glass. Everything changed when my daughter announced that she needed an acrylic painting. After a couple of months, there were dozens of boards and supplies. I spent my evenings watching various technique videos, and the weekends putting them into practice. I knew I had come home."



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